Monday, February 5, 2007

Second Post (News Article)

hey, I recently read a business article on yahoo news. The link to the article is:;_ylt=AhammHXNM8M9c.IxSUSGzKmyBhIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
The basic summary of the article is how the service sector in the US market is growing. Although the manufacturing sector is decreasing, the service sector is big enough that its growth is making up for the loss. One of the major reasons why manufacturing the US is decling is because of domestic car manufacturers. They are cutting back, which results in less products produced. The growth rate of the US markets is low, but it is still increasing.

It is some what obvious that the service department is increasing. There is a greated demand for services such as massagers. Although there is a increase in the service sector, I really don't think that the manufacturing sector will decrease too much in the US. I think that if the manufacturing does decrease, it is mainly due to outsourcing the production to foreign countries.

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