Thursday, March 29, 2007

March First Post

hey, I hope everyone is enjoying their spring break. I know I am. Anyways, this morning I was looking at Yahoo news and found a very interesting article about Walmart. The link to the article is

The title of the article is Wal-Mart May Never Enter Manhattan. The article talks about how Walmart is questioning opening up stores in New York. Walmart executives were specifically talking about Manhattan. They feel that running a Walmart in that city is just too expensive and is not economically beneficial. Although current conditions don't favor walmart to enter that market, they said that if circumstances changes they would like to open a store there. They feel that it would be very beneficial for communities that live in that area. Walmart critics say that the city of New York would never accpet the way Walmart is run. They say that their low prices drag along very other high costs. Some other critics said that if Walmart comes to New York, then there would be no place that would be off limits to them. The article talks about how a Walmart was opened in Chicago and has been much more sucessful than they expected.

I think this article discusses a issue that has been very controversial in the past few years. Walmart has grown to have many critics and there are clear signs of it. The fact that there are many people against walmart coming into New York shows that there might not be such a need of big retail stores. Clearly not all markets favor Walmart, such as New York, so there signs of Walmart diminishing demand is quite present. All though there are many that shop at Walmart, there are also many that oppose it.

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