Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fourth Post

hey, this afternoon I was browsing the internet and found this article the very much relates to business. The link to the article is:

The title of the article is Meetings Make You Stupid. The basic summary of the article is that about a study scientists had that proves that meetins reduced productivity. They asked a group to come up with as many brands of soft drinks as they possibly could. The group came up with a smaller number than when they worked on it by them selves. This does go against what has been said through out history about how groups come up with better ideas. This big problem with groups is that certain ideas are not taken in to consideration.

I think this article does make a good point. I know personally that when I work in groups, I end up taking a back seat. So any good ideas I have are usually not said. Plus when I am in a group, I feel that I am more pressured to put my 2 cents in. I usally go blank when I am under pressure. I do agree that meetings are still necessary because we have to inform people, but certain things should be left for people to work on themselves rather than in a group.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Third Post

hey, this morning I read a article that caught my eye. It was posted on yahoo news and the link is:

The article is called Be Afraid: Powdr-Sized RFID Chips
The article is is talking about RFID chips. This chips are are microchips that are in your credit cards, U.S. passports and all you to pay at tolls using a radio waves. It talks about how the company Hitachi is planning on making new chips that are so small that they can be placed in paper, money or gift certificates. These chips can be used to track where and what you purchase. Which bring makes this a very controversial subject. Chips in credit cards are slightly different from the ones used at pay tolls. The ones in your credit card have to be tapped to work, while the ones in your pay toll cards can be as far as 10 feet. It really isn't clear as too what degree we as consumers should watch out for others looking at our purchases.

I think the RFID chips are a useful item if used properly. It does make life for many much more convenient. For those who use the toll on a daily basis, can just use there EZ pass and save time. Those who use their credit cards can use their credit cards that much faster. The only issue is when companies start to watch what we purchase. Although their intentions might be good, it raises a privacy issue. Companies mainly monitor what we purchase so that are aware of the type of goods and services we recieve satisfaction from. This allows them to produce the types of product that there is an actual demand for. The only problem with this is that they might be going to much into our lives to figure this out. Some people might feel that no one sould know what they purchase with out their approval.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Second Post (News Article)

hey, I recently read a business article on yahoo news. The link to the article is:;_ylt=AhammHXNM8M9c.IxSUSGzKmyBhIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
The basic summary of the article is how the service sector in the US market is growing. Although the manufacturing sector is decreasing, the service sector is big enough that its growth is making up for the loss. One of the major reasons why manufacturing the US is decling is because of domestic car manufacturers. They are cutting back, which results in less products produced. The growth rate of the US markets is low, but it is still increasing.

It is some what obvious that the service department is increasing. There is a greated demand for services such as massagers. Although there is a increase in the service sector, I really don't think that the manufacturing sector will decrease too much in the US. I think that if the manufacturing does decrease, it is mainly due to outsourcing the production to foreign countries.