Saturday, March 31, 2007

March Second Post

hey, I hope you guys are all ready for school start again. I know I'm not. Anyways since the deadline for taxes is coming up, I found a article that I thought would be very appropriate. I found this article on yahoo news. The link to the article is;_ylt=AiWXMZQaGzFVm4WLC2n.AMbq188F.

The title of the article I choose is "Stop paying High Taxes!". The article starts by talking about how families are always trying to find ways to cut their expenses. What most families look past is their taxes. Rather than simply looking at just entertainment or restaurant expenses, families should be paying attention to their taxes also. Just because taxes are paid once a year, it does not mean that people should not pay attention to it. Rather than making a year chore, people can do many things to save money on their taxes. One this to do is keep an eye of for deducitons through out the year. Keep a friendly reminder that you have to pay taxes and try to find ways in which you recieve tax deductions. Keeping records of all the deductions will keep you safe. By having good records, you don't have to worry about paying extra fines for things you did not forgot to file for. Also filling out the right forms can help you from losing money from your pay checks. If you fill out the right tax forms for work, the government might be taking out less money from your pay check. This means more money for you at the present time, rather than waiting for a big check to come once a year. The last bit of advice is to take in to consideration that you have to pay taxes when you are making any big decisions. These decisions can include any investments or even purchasing a house or a car.

I think this article proves a very good point about being aware of your taxes. I know when I use to work, taxes use to really bother me. I hated having money taken out of my pay check. I knew that I would get it back eventually, but I rather would have spent it when i got paid. This article is not very relevant to me as of now, because I dont currently work. Yet I think it is very useful for those who work. I think that this aticle would be very help ful for the working class. It would definetly help prevent the government from taking away the money people work so hard for.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

March First Post

hey, I hope everyone is enjoying their spring break. I know I am. Anyways, this morning I was looking at Yahoo news and found a very interesting article about Walmart. The link to the article is

The title of the article is Wal-Mart May Never Enter Manhattan. The article talks about how Walmart is questioning opening up stores in New York. Walmart executives were specifically talking about Manhattan. They feel that running a Walmart in that city is just too expensive and is not economically beneficial. Although current conditions don't favor walmart to enter that market, they said that if circumstances changes they would like to open a store there. They feel that it would be very beneficial for communities that live in that area. Walmart critics say that the city of New York would never accpet the way Walmart is run. They say that their low prices drag along very other high costs. Some other critics said that if Walmart comes to New York, then there would be no place that would be off limits to them. The article talks about how a Walmart was opened in Chicago and has been much more sucessful than they expected.

I think this article discusses a issue that has been very controversial in the past few years. Walmart has grown to have many critics and there are clear signs of it. The fact that there are many people against walmart coming into New York shows that there might not be such a need of big retail stores. Clearly not all markets favor Walmart, such as New York, so there signs of Walmart diminishing demand is quite present. All though there are many that shop at Walmart, there are also many that oppose it.