Sunday, April 15, 2007

April Second Post

hey, I have previously written a blog about what people to can do to lower there taxes. I decided to write another blog, this time about how the government spends the money we are taxed on. I link to this article is:

The title of the article is How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent. The article starts of by talking about how people should wonder where there hard earned money goes. About 2.7 trillion dollars was collected this year, but about 70 percent has been set asside for previous commitments. This prior commitments include things such as social security, national debt and military expenditures. About 21 percent is used to pay for social security. Then there is 15% that goes to medicare health benefits. 16% is accounted for paying the needy such as welfare and food stamps. About 60% of the total budget goes to paying individuals. Although our national debt is about $9 trillion dollars now, only about 10% goes to paying our debts. Out of the 70 percent, about 30 percent goes to military spending. This means paying for things such as tanks, planes and missles.

I know it sucks to pay for taxes. I remember when I was working, I hated seeing money taken out of my paychecks. Reading this article made me slightly more informed. Atleast now I am more aware of how and how much the government spends the money it takes from us. I realize that government does have a lot of expenditures, and there is no other way it can really raise that much money. So after reading the article I realized that paying for taxes isn't really all that bad. In the end mainly coming back to us or used to better our lives.

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